Écoutez! Edinburgh Readies itself for Bizarre Musical Experience!

This year’s Edinburgh Festival is nearly upon us, a time when going to see the right act at the right time is a fine art. In a rather Sex Pistols fashion, people will tell you they were the first to see such-and-such an act before they were famous in a miniscule venue, whereas, if everyone had been there, a 300-seat venue would have had tens of thousands in the audience. We therefore have a duty to give you advance warning of one act appearing this year, No-Ce.

No-Ce is Celine Nordegg and her band, an Austrian-based collective who don’t take the easy route to getting under your skin. A mixture of jazz, chanson and rock, it veers from the sound of smokey Paris coffee bars in 1957 to modern day hipster-swing hang-outs. Language is not an issue, quite frankly she could be saying something terrible about our grandma and we’d still listen.

Where going to stick with the traditional here, as schnapps feels exactly like the kind of thing you should be quaffing along with your listening experience.

See No-Ce & Band at this year’s Edinburgh Festival August 6/7/8 at 08:30pm at AMC @ UCC

Website: www.cecilenordegg.eu

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5EQSN87PpFKyMHeeJEsBlc

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa4nmntt4rvUIgjtdBplnhg

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cecilenordeggjazz/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cecile_nordegg/

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